Telegram is a free messenger service developed by brothers Pavel and Nikolai Durov. Telegram offers a wide range of functions. Besides the obligatory messenger chat function, users can also send large amounts of data in the form of audio and video messages, make voice calls, create channels, and use bots. With HeyForm, you can integrate with Telegram to get notifications for each HeyForm completions.

Telegram Integration

Integrating with Telegram is just a piece of cake, follow these 3 step process to allow you posting messages using Telegram Bot in a few minutes:

1. Add @HeyForm_bot to your Telegram group

Create or select your existing Telegram group where you want to receive notifications and click the Add Members button.

Now search for @HeyForm_bot and select the @HeyForm_bot tag and click on right-hand bottom float button and click on add button to end the procedure.

2. Get Telegram group's Chat ID

Type this command /start@HeyForm_bot in your group that you have added @HeyForm_bot, you will receive one message with a Chat ID that'll look something like this:

3. Paste the Chat ID to HeyForm

Now you can copy that Chat ID. Then, click your newly created form and open the integration tab.

Then, click on Telegram Configure button to paste the Chat ID and save it by clicking the save button.